(5 minutes to read.) Model: Husnu Hello everyone, I have a question to the photographers out there. If someone ask you "What is your type of photography that you passionate about?", what is your answer look like? Can you answer it immediately? or are you still not sure what you want to do? Today's blog is about my passion for photography. Before we go deeper, let me answer that question first. Model: Amber Personally, I can answer that question by describing March 6th versions of my idea. But if you ask me same question tomorrow, it will be not same in my mind. Maybe it will be sounds like same, but my inside is different. It will be a little bit more detailed. Why? Because my mind is changed all the time, and I move forward every single day. I learn from small challenges, all the conversations and emails, all the lessons teacher gave, and I spend time for check the details whether I like or not. So my mind changes little by litt...
Hello, On 13th February, 2018, I had a shoot with Shelby . She is a beautiful person who is studying fine art and dreaming to go to UK and work in fashion industry. 1/160sec, F11, ISO200 I remember I met her in front of Roots, downtown, Vancouver about 2 month ago when she was waiting her friends, and I approached to her and asked if you are interested to have shoot in the future, just send me message and let's do it. By the way, I like to find models on the street in stead of rely on model agencies or groups. The reason I like to find models by myself is, first it is good to know what type of people/ styles I want to photograph. And I believe choosing a right person from tons of tons of unlimited people is developing & educating my eyes. I think this process is important especially when you are beginner. lighting diagram of 1st Shelby picture. As I explained in last blog, I like to make plans for the shoot, and analyzing lig...