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My passion for photography

(5 minutes to read.)

Model: Husnu

Hello everyone, I have a question to the photographers out there.
If someone ask you "What is your type of photography that you passionate about?", what is your answer look like?
Can you answer it immediately? or are you still not sure what you want to do?

Today's blog is about my passion for photography. 
Before we go deeper, let me answer that question first.

Model: Amber

Personally, I can answer that question by describing March 6th versions of my idea. But if you ask me same question tomorrow, it will be not same in my mind. Maybe it will be sounds like same, but my inside is different. It will be a little bit more detailed. 
Because my mind is changed all the time, and I move forward every single day. I learn from small challenges, all the conversations and emails, all the lessons teacher gave, and I spend time for check the details whether I like or not. So my mind changes little by little, and I understand myself little by little.
So today's answer will look like...

I like take pictures of people, so my type of photography that I really passionate is Let's say "Portrait and Headshots." The idea is simply come from my background. As a journalist/documentary photographer I started an ongoing project which is talking with people on the street, learning about their lives and publishing pictures and stories. And I've done it almost 4years, so I feel I'm more comfortable to go inside of people's comfort zone and take environmental portraits/headshots. 

But since I learned studio photography in school, I realize I like shooting in studio. But my interest was not changed, still people, not product or landscape. And I started doing studio portrait from September last year. And I found myself I like studio environment too, and for me it didn't really matter whether it's studio or street, I just love taking pictures of people, and more than that I love communicate with people. I realized what I was looking for was not picture, what I was looking for was opportunity for communicate with people and learn about other people's life. My interest is there. 

Model: Nicole

And for March 6th versions of me, Photography is all about people. Camera is a tool for communication, and pictures are my best friend for learning about people, world, and myself. Let's say it is the best textbook that I ever got. It's like my bible, leading me to be better person.

And I still keep doing my studio photography, but recently I found other part of myself there. I feel bored when I just taking simple headshots. I prefer to play with light and shadows, and add a little bit of interests in there. And I really enjoy the process of creating interesting picture with my model by throwing out the ideas during shoot. Again, it's all about communication.

Model: Feven
So I feel I want to go more into conceptual portrait or editorial photography, not just a simple headshots/portraits. And for the next photography ambition is get assignment from magazines, and cover the happenings  from journalistic point of view.

Here are the pictures that I just took On March 5th, in downtown, Vancouver, at SOHO BAR&BILLIARDS.
And I would love to share these storytelling pictures with you.

Thank you for reading my blog.
If you have comments or questions, reach me out on social media or send me email.



Soho bar&billiards:


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