Hello, On 13th February, 2018, I had a shoot with Shelby . She is a beautiful person who is studying fine art and dreaming to go to UK and work in fashion industry. 1/160sec, F11, ISO200 I remember I met her in front of Roots, downtown, Vancouver about 2 month ago when she was waiting her friends, and I approached to her and asked if you are interested to have shoot in the future, just send me message and let's do it. By the way, I like to find models on the street in stead of rely on model agencies or groups. The reason I like to find models by myself is, first it is good to know what type of people/ styles I want to photograph. And I believe choosing a right person from tons of tons of unlimited people is developing & educating my eyes. I think this process is important especially when you are beginner. lighting diagram of 1st Shelby picture. As I explained in last blog, I like to make plans for the shoot, and analyzing lig...